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The first moment I could see my future as a trans man or trans masculine person was...
Discovering online communities of those who felt similarly to me was the key. I had no reference to understanding of my identity. Growing up and living in a very fundamentalist, conservative community, there were zero examples of LGBTQ people and any inclination to be other than cishet was suppressed. Reddit in particular was central to exploring my identity. Finding new doctors who were gender-affirming became critical. My endocrinologist endorsing testosterone therapy has helped me fully embrace my identity. I have yet to decide whether to pursue top surgery, but I know I have the support network in place if that time comes.
Resources that helped me...
Discovering online communities of those who felt similarly to me was the key. I had no reference to understanding of my identity. Growing up and living in a very fundamentalist, conservative community, there were zero examples of LGBTQ people and any inclination to be other than cishet was suppressed. Reddit in particular was central to exploring my identity. Finding new doctors who were gender-affirming became critical. My endocrinologist endorsing testosterone therapy has helped me fully embrace my identity. I have yet to decide whether to pursue top surgery, but I know I have the support network in place if that time comes.
Character drawings by Joey Borrelli.
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